Throughout history the octopus has captured and inspired imagination and creativity across cultures with its adaptability, ingenuity, resourcefulness, intellect and perseverance while the Greek letter Omega conventionally represents important units in science and engineering including impedance, resistance and frequency. These are the virtues and principles I value.
Currently under construction, Octomega studios is a upcoming professional audio studio set in a beautiful private setting between Knoxville and Nashville Tennessee. Services offered will include tracking, editing, and mixing and mastering in both 2.1 and 9.2.4 in a certified Dolby Atmos control room. Octomega Studios will also be available for private rental by mixers and producers.
Designed by renowned studio design firm, Haverstick Designs, Octomega Studios boasts a 1500sqft space including a 600sqft live room. A 32 channel Neve console with 1073 mic pres feeding Burl AD/DA converters, realized by ATC 200 far-field monitors and a Focal 9.2.4 Dolby Atmos system, lies at the heart of the control room augmented by racks of tube and solid-state equalizers, dynamic modules and effect units including the Heritage Audio Herchild HA670 compressor, the SPL Mastering Equalizer, and Bricasti M7 Stereo Reverb Processor.
Octomega features a wide range of world class condenser microphones such as the Sony c800g, Telefunken ELA M 251 and U47, and Neumann U87 in addition to a full complement of other popular condenser, dynamic and ribbon microphones for every recording need.
Recording electric guitar is a particular passion at Octomega and we are proud of our amplifier collection including the Soldano SLO 100, Bogner XTC 101b, Friedman BE Deluxe, Diezel Herbert Mark 3 and others.